Data transparency and open data​​

We are committed to be open and transparent about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services provided.

The Government also publishes a large amount of data from many public sector bodies at Find open data -

Use of our published data

Our open data is available in electronic format for you to re-use on your own website, in an application you create or for any other use you have in mind.

All data listed below is released under the open government licence, usage of the data is subject to the conditions of this licence. Please read and agree to the licence before you use any of the data listed below. All we ask is that you credit Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council as the source of the data as per the terms of the licence.

The Open Government Licence on the National Archives website website provides further information about how you can reuse Local Government open data.

Available Information

​The following information is available to view​ on our website:

Counter Fraud Transparency Data

Our counter fraud transparency data is available to download and view below: