Tree management

The council is responsible for maintaining trees on public open spaces and verges of many roads. Report issues with trees here.

We are responsible for managing trees on our own land including parks, roads and public green spaces. 

We are also committed to the preservation of trees which are included in a Tree Preservation Order or situated within conservation areas.

Privately owned trees

Trees on private land are not our responsibility. If you need advice about a tree on your own land you should consult a qualified Arboriculturalist. If you have concerns over a tree on privately owned land other than your own, you will need to speak to the landowner. 

The Department for Communities and Local Government website contains some useful guidance on trees and high hedges.

Advice for private landowners

The law protects trees and woodland under a range of legislation that makes it an offence to fell or prune trees without permission.

  • Always contact us to ensure that the trees are not covered by a Tree Preservation Order, planning constraints or are within a conservation area. 
  • Employ a suitably trained professional tree surgeon who is covered by Public Liability Insurance. Always ask for proof.
  • Be very cautious before you employ unsolicited house callers or leaflet droppers claiming to be professional tree surgeons.
  • Reputable tree surgeons can be found online or by contacting a relevant professional body such as the Arboricultural Association.

Reporting issues with trees

You can let us know about the following problems online:

  • fallen trees
  • diseased, dying, or dead trees
  • fallen branches
  • snapped branches (resting in the tree)
  • low branches overhanging the highway or footpath
  • trees obstructing a street lamp
  • a tree dropping leaves, fruit, or blossom
  • trees causing a structural issue to a property
  • uplifted or cracked footpaths as a result of a tree