How to make an Environmental Information Regulations request

The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities.


The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities. 

The Environmental Information Regulations provides access to information on the following:

  • The state of the elements of the environment in which we live (such as air, water, soil, land, landscapes, natural sites, flora and fauna including cattle, crops, wildlife and biological diversity) and the interaction between them.
  • Anything relating to energy, noise, radiation, waste or radioactive waste.
  • The state of human health and safety, conditions of human life, the food chain, cultural and built structures for example roads, canals, phone masts, tunnels, railway lines, archaeological sites, gardening sites etc.
  • The measures employed (i.e. policies/procedures/reports/legislation) to manage the environment. 

How to make a request 

EIR requests can be made verbally, by telephone or in writing using the details below. 

A written request is most appropriate as this is written proof of your request. 

FOI Officer

Information Governance Team   

Redcar & Cleveland House

Kirkleatham Street


TS10 1RT

01642 774 774

Responding to a request 

The Council will offer advice and guidance, where appropriate, to make sure you get the information you need. 

All EIR requests must be responded to in writing within 20 working days unless there are exceptional circumstances where the information request is of a complex or voluminous nature. 

In cases where the response time has to be extended by a further 20 working days, we will notify you of the delay and provide you with an estimated date of when the request is expected to be complete. 

If your initial request is unclear or ambiguous, we will contact you for further information and advise you that the 20-working day period has been suspended and will not recommence until we receive clearer instructions. 

Review Procedure 

If you are not satisfied with the response provided, you can ask for an internal review within 40 working days of receiving the response. 

Internal reviews will be carried out by a Senior Legal Manager, who will not have been involved in your initial request. A response will be provided within 40 working days of your request for a review. 

To request an internal review please email or write to:

FOI Officer

Information Governance Team   

Redcar & Cleveland House

Kirkleatham Street


TS10 1RT

If you are unhappy following your internal review, you can write to the Information Commissioner to ask for an independent review following your case. The ICO can be contacted at the following address:

EIR / FOI Complaints
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
General enquiries:
Phone: 01625 545 745
Fax: 01625 525 510

For more information, please visit the Information Commissioner's Office website.