What is an advocacy?
Advocacy is taking action to help people say what they want, secure their rights, represent their interests, and obtain services they need.
How an advocate can support you
Advocates and advocacy schemes work in partnership with the people they support to:
- help you contact services
- explain decisions
- help you to put your views across.
An advocate should:
- agree with you the best place to meet
- listen to what you have to say
- help you say how you feel and what you want or need
- speak or act on your behalf
- care about your rights, wishes and feelings
- keep confidential information you ask them to (there may be exceptions, particularly regarding the safety of children)
- pass to you any information given to them concerning you
- give you information about how they will work with you and what to do if you are unhappy.
An advocate should not:
- tell you what to do or make decisions for you
- speak to others about you without your knowledge or consent
- keep from you any information passed to them about you.
Arrange an advocate
A member of your family or a friend can be your advocate, or you can talk in confidence to an independent advocate.
There are many advocacy services which operate both locally and nationally. Some charge for their services, whilst others provide support free of charge.
How to get support from an advocate
If you think you may need an advocate, please speak with your social worker, or call adult care on 01642 771500 who will refer you to a suitable advocacy service.