Worried about an adult

If you are concerned about an adult, please report it to us as soon as possible.

If you, or the person you are concerned about, is in immediate danger please call 999.

Report a safeguarding concern

To report a safeguarding concern you can call 01642 771500. Outside office hours please call 01642 524552.  

If you're a professional, you'll need to use the concern form to make a report.  You can download the concern form from the TSAB website

Alternatively, you can report your concern by email at: AccessAdultsTeam@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk

If you are worried about a child or teenager, please contact Redcar & Cleveland Multi-Agency Children's Hub (MACH) on 01642 130 700 or by email at RedcarMACH@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk

There may be times when you're concerned about a professional working with adults who have care and support needs. 

This is known as a 'person in a position of trust' (PIPOT). The Care Act 2014 statutory guidance requires safeguarding adult’s boards to have a process for dealing with allegations against anyone who works (either paid or unpaid) with adults who have care and support needs. 

This guidance applies to the council, all partner agencies, and those providing care and support services.

Translated versions of these documents are available below:

Types of abuse

​​Abuse of adults can happen to anyone.

There are many ways in which adults may be abused. It can include physical or sexual abuse, neglect, modern day slavery, emotional abuse, or financial abuse.

Abuse can take place anywhere which includes the home, a public place, a care home, or a day centre. The abuser may be a stranger, or someone known to the person.

Everyone has the right to be free from abuse and neglect. We are committed to preventing abuse and responding promptly when we are made aware of suspected abuse.

We can help you if you are being abused and need help to stop it happening or if you are concerned that someone else may be being abused.

Contact the adult social care team

You can contact the adult social care team by telephone on 01642 771500​.

Further information can be found by downloading the guidance below:

Translated versions of these documents are available below:

Large print versions of these documents are available below:

For information about the Teeswide Safeguarding Adults Board, please visit: https://www.tsab.org.uk/