Fees and payments

Find out more about the fees and payments associated with the services offered by building control

Plan fee

This is paid after you have completed a full plans application, and covers our costs in administering the application and checking your plans and specifications.

​Inspection fee

This is payable after the first inspection has been made on a full plans application. The cost covers visiting the site, inspecting the work and issuing a completion certificate.

Building notice fee 

This is payable when the building notice is given to us. This charge covers site inspections and any design checking.

Regularisation fee 

This must be paid when you have completed a regularisation application for unauthorised work. The charge covers all administration, site checks and inspections.

A charge may not be applicable where work is to provide access and facilities in an existing dwelling for the exclusive use of a person with a disability. (Please contact Building Control Team for advice)

Additional fees

Please see Table F in the document below for further information about the fees associated with building control services.

The fees for 2023/2024 will come into effect from 1 April 2023.

Fees are payable for

  • Copies of decision advice notices and completion certificates
  • Confirmation of exemption of works
  • Change of name on applications
  • Recommencement where a site inspection has not been carried out for more than 3 years
  • Withdrawal of application

Payment of fees


  • Applications and notices not accompanied by the appropriate fee are deemed as NOT being submitted.  Consequently work should NOT commence on site.
  • All charges with the exception of the Regularisation Charge include VAT at the appropriate (20%) rate.