Free childcare search and childcare sufficiency

Find information about childcare provisions.

If you are working, training or need your children to be looked after in the short term, our staff can help find the right child care for you and your family free of charge!

We have a wide range of options that includes:

  • Registered Day Nurseries
  • Registered Childminders
  • Registered Playgroups​
  • Registered Crèches
  • Out of School Clubs for example breakfast and after school provision
  • Holiday Play schemes
  • Parent & Toddler groups
  • Free Nursery education places for 2, 3 & 4 year olds

We hold information about opening hours, vacancies, prices and whether there are additional facilities such as a school drop-off or pick-up service.

You can find more information, or start a childc​are search online.​ You can also find information about OFSTED reports for childcare providers in Redcar and Cleveland by visiting the OFSTED website.

If you are struggling to find childcare, please contact the Families' information service team by email with your name, some details of your requirements and a contact number and someone from the team will ring you back to discuss your request in more detail.​

Childcare Sufficiency 

The Childcare Act 2006 and subsequent Childcare Act 2016 place a duty on local authorities to report annually on how they are meeting their duty to secure sufficient childcare.

Sufficient childcare means securing the right type and volume of provision, so far as is reasonably practicable, for working parents or those undertaking training with the intention of returning to work, for children aged 0 - 14 (up to 18 for a disabled child).

There is also a separate, but linked duty, to secure sufficient early years provision, so that families can access their free early education entitlement (570 hours per year over a minimum of 38 weeks for some 2 year olds and all 3 and 4 year old children).​

The Childcare Sufficiency Repor​t 2024 is available to download and view below: