Current consultations

We want to hear from you about what we are doing in Redcar and Cleveland. Information about the consultations currently taking place is available below.

Redcar Town Deal

Have your say on multi-million pound plans for Redcar.

Redcar was granted £25 million from Government to help transform the town.

The latest set of proposals include a new family activity centre and cultural hub, improvements to Station Road, the creation of a new events space, and improvements to the high street and esplanade. 

The Redcar Town Board, made up of representatives from across the public and private sector, would like residents and business owners to have their say.

Click the link below to find out more: 

Post 16 Transport Policy Statement Consultation


​We would like to know your views on the proposed changes to our Post 16 Transport Policy. 

This will affect eligible young people in further education or training aged 16, 17 and 18 with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). 

Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council’s post 16 transport service is currently free of charge. However, there is no legal requirement for us to provide this service and it is no longer possible to offer this for free. 

This is because of the budget pressures facing Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council due to inflation and unprecedented increases in the demand for our statutory services. 

The proposed policy change is to introduce a contributory fee for post 16 transport services representing 25% of the average cost per student. 

For more information please see: