Single Person Discount Review

Learn more about what the Single Person Discount Review is and why it is taking place.

It is important that residents inform the Council of their up to date circumstances. Providing inaccurate or false information may result in financial penalties and even imprisonment in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the Fraud Act 2006. 

Q) The review has been sent by Capacity Grid is this a scam? 

A) No, it is not a scam. The Council is working in partnership with Capacity Grid to undertake the review     

Q) Why is my discount being reviewed?

A) We review Single Person Discounts every year to ensure that our records are accurate. If residents are receiving discounts when they shouldn’t be the Council receives less income to deliver services. To undertake the review we check information that we hold on your Council Tax records and data from credit reference agencies as well as information from other sources. This information can provide an indication of whether there is more than one adult living at an address. 

Q) Is the Council allowed to check credit records for my address?

A) In accordance with UK Data Protection law, local authorities are able to use data held by Credit Reference Agencies to investigate Single Person Discount claims. Your data will be held securely and only used for the review and will then be deleted.

Q) What if I don’t respond to the review? 

A) If we ask you for information and you do not respond your Single Person Discount will be removed.

Q) What kinds of credit records could be registered to my address? 

A) Examples of credit records that could be registered are: 

  • Bank accounts
  • Credit Cards
  • Loans
  • Mortgages
  • Car Insurance