About the Employment, Health & Safety Committee
All the powers of the Council (but not the executive) to deal with all employment and human resources matters.
To deal with any matters reserved for full Council in the Constitution but which by reason of urgency, commercial sensitivity or other relevant reason, it is in the opinion of the Proper Officer not desirable to call a meeting of the full Council.
All the functions relating to the registration of common land or town or village greens as specified in Schedule 1 to the Local Authorities (Functions and Responsibilities) (England) Regulations 2000 (as amended) Part B Nos 37 and 38.
All functions relating to health and safety under any relevant statutory provision within the meaning of Part 1 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (to the extent that such functions are exercised by the Council as employer only) including:
- statistics on accident records, ill health, sickness absence;
- accident investigations and subsequent action;
- inspections of the workplace by enforcing authorities, management or employee health and safety representatives;
- risk assessments;
- health and safety training;
- emergency procedures; and
- changes in the workplace affecting the health, safety and welfare of employees.
(Note: Health and safety issues will be considered by this Committee only at meetings arranged specifically for that purpose. One meeting of the Committee per quarter will be set aside to consider health and safety matters, but additional meetings may be arranged on other occasions in response to urgent issues and/or unexpected events. Agenda items unrelated to health and safety will not be considered during such meetings other than in the case of significant urgency and in agreement with the Chair.)
You can view meetings, papers, and agendas for this committee online.