The Cabinet is the part of the council that is responsible for most strategic decisions.
It includes the:
- leader of the council
- deputy leader
- seven councillors with portfolio responsibilities
Decisions are either made by:
- Cabinet
- a committee of the Cabinet
- individual Cabinet members
- officers under powers delegated by Cabinet
Cabinet Members
Leader of the Council - Councillor Alec Brown
Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Climate and Culture - Councillor Carrie Richardson
Cabinet Member for Adults - Councillor Lisa Robson
Cabinet Member for Growth and Enterprise - Councillor Lynn Pallister
Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods - Councillor Adam Brook
Cabinet Member for Health, Welfare, and Housing - Councillor Ursula Earl
Cabinet Member for Resources - Councillor Christopher Massey
Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport - Councillor Carl Quartermain
Cabinet Member for Children - Councillor Bill Suthers