Health Visiting and School Nursing Service
The Health Visiting and School Nursing team is available via telephone Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm and Friday, 8.30am to 4.00pm.
You can contact the team by calling: 01642 444011
Further information about the Health Visiting and School Nursing Service including what the services does and how it supports families, can be found below.
What do Health Visitors and School Nurses do?
Health visitors and school nurses are specialist public health nurses (SCPHN), with health visitors leading the 0 to 5 elements of the Healthy Child Programme and school nurses leading the 5 to 19 elements.
The Healthy Child Programme Offer
The Healthy Child Programme is universal in reach setting out an offer for every family of evidence-base programme of interventions, including screening tests, immunisations, developmental reviews, and information and guidance to support parenting and healthy choices.
Ranging from universal services for all through to intensive support, tailored to meet individual and family needs.
There is a connectivity and fluidity between the level of support as these needs may change over time and circumstances.
The support required by most families and children, or young people will predominantly be met through the universal offer. It also outlines all services that children and families need to receive if they are to achieve their optimum health and wellbeing.
Identify health needs and interventions
Health visitors and school nurses utilise their clinical judgement and public health expertise to identify health needs early, determining potential risk, and providing early intervention to prevent issues escalating.
Health visitors and school nurses provide continuity of care and undertake a ‘navigating role’ to support families through the health and care system.
Utilising the right skill set, at the right time, also supports effective signposting to other support and information.
Health visitors and school nurses will use a family health needs/EHA/Signs of Safety & Wellbeing combined assessment to determine targeted interventions which can be met within the services or the need for more specialist interventions that require referrals or clear signposting.
Whilst receiving specialist support health visitors and school nurses will still provide the universal offer and work in partnership with other agencies.
Safeguarding children is embedded through the model because health visitors and school nurses have a vital role in keeping children safe and supporting local safeguarding arrangements.
Health Visitors
Health visitors support families from the antenatal period up to school entry. The service is delivered in a range of settings including families’ own homes, local community, or primary care settings.
All families have universal contact from the Health Visiting team, including:
- Antenatal contact
- New baby visit/primary visit
- Review at six/eight weeks
- Pre-year assessment (9–10-month-old)
- Post-two years assessment (27–30-month-old)
Health Visitors can offer information and support with:
- Physical child and adult health
- Child development
- Mental health
- Social needs and safeguarding
School Nurses
School nurses offer year-round support for children and young people with identified health needs both in and out of school settings.
School Nurses can offer information and support with:
- Promoting healthier lifestyles – healthy weight
- Preventative education – tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
- Sexual health and contraception
- Transition – moving to secondary school
- School-aged Immunisations
- Continence
School Nurse Universal Offer
All children receive a school entry growth measurement and vision screening unless parental consent for opt out is received.
All primary school children receive a growth measurement in Reception and in Year 6 as part of the universal National Child Measurement Programme unless parental consent for opt out is received.
The Chat Health texting service is available for young people aged 11-19 looking for confidential support and advice.
If you would like further information or to access the service, you can do so by sending a text message to one of the numbers below:
- School nursing - 07321263100
- Health visiting - 07312263201
Please note that the numbers above only accept text messages and cannot be called.
You can also access the Chat Health service online. Just enter Redcar and Cleveland the contact details for the service will appear.