Mental health support

Find information about mental health support available in Redcar and Cleveland

One in four of us may experience a mental health problem at some time in our lives or know someone who needs support.  

There are many reasons why we might develop a mental health problem, including dealing with social problems or a difficult personal event. There are many treatment and support options available to people with mental health problems. Adult Social Care, GPs and Acute Mental health Services (via G.P. referral) all work together to advise and offer treatment.  

If you're having issues with your mental health and wellbeing, your first stop should be your GP (family doctor). They will be familiar with your medical history, and can direct you to the best treatment or service. Don't feel worried about bringing it up - your GP is there to help with your mental health as well as physical health. GPs see people every day who are feeling anxious, depressed or who are having problems coping. 

GPs can access a wide range of services including specialist mental health services. 

If you don't already have one, you can use the online GP registry tool to register with via the NHS website. 

Urgent help  

If you think you’re in immediate danger of hurting yourself or someone, call 999 

If you've already hurt yourself, go to the nearest A&E department. 

If you need help or advice, you can call the 24-hour crisis helpline on 0800 0516171. The number is free to call, and is available for anyone of any age.

The Samaritans offer a 24 hour helpline on 116 123 for confidential, non-judgmental, emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide. 

North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network

The North East and North Cumbria Suicide Prevention Network provide information, advice, events, resources and campaign materials, guided by national policy and evidence of how best to prevent suicide and promote wellbeing and resilience. 

Mental Health and Wellbeing Support - Useful links and services

Looking after your mental health is important. Our mental health is constantly changing and is affected by a range of factors. There is a variety of services which you can access to support with your mental health and wellbeing. 


Impact on Teesside is a free and confidential service. They provide support to individuals who are experiencing depression, stress, anxiety, and a wide range of other common psychological and emotional issues. This includes recovery support for people who have experienced mental ill-health in the past and talking therapies over the telephone on a self-referral basis. 

Tees, Esk and Wear Valley (TEWV) 

The TEWV crisis line is a 24/7 service for people experiencing a mental health crisis. To contact the team please call NHS 111 then select the mental health option. You can find further information on the TEWV Information about crisis services webpage. 

Redcar and Cleveland Mind

Redcar and Cleveland Mind offer many free, confidential support services such as: stress management, open mind therapy, peer support groups, training, mindful relaxation. 

Every mind matters

The "Your Mind Plan" helps you build a practical plan you can use to help maintain and improve your mental health and wellbeing