What support can I access?
We offer support and help whether you're homeless or worried about becoming homeless. We'll give you advice based on your own circumstances.
There are options available to help you stay in your current home. If that's not possible we can help you to find a different home.
Who do I contact if I’m homeless or at risk of homelessness?
You may find yourself at risk of becoming homeless for many reasons.
Do not wait until you have been made homeless - contact us as soon as possible - we may be able to prevent this.
Contact the Housing Advice & Information Team on 01642 774774 or email housingclientservices@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk
You can also complete our online form to find the support available and how to access it.
Who do I contact if I find myself homelessness tonight, outside of office hours?
If you are calling outside of office hours (after 5pm Monday to Thursday and 4.30pm Friday).
In an emergency, or if you are homeless and have nowhere to stay, you can contact the out of hours service by calling 01642 774 774 and you will be diverted to an officer.