Since 1 April 2020, landlords can no longer rent a property if it has an energy rating below E, unless a valid exemption has been registered.
Energy efficiency service (Warm & Well)
Our Warm & Well service provides the following services:
- Advice and information to keep you and your home warm
- Access to grants and other types of support: you may be eligible for free insulation measures, an improved heating system or winter-related benefits, depending on your circumstances
- Warmth support in an emergency, such as your heating system breaking down. We work with Cleveland Fire Brigade's 'Stay Safe & Warm' team to provide advice and short-term support, including portable heaters, electric blankets, thermal blankets, torches, wind-up lanterns, thermometers and flasks
Contact the Warm & Well service by phoning 01642 771289 or contact the Warm and Well team by email.
Minimum energy efficiency stands in the private rented sector
The Domestic Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) Regulations set a minimum energy efficiency level for domestic private rented properties.
The Regulations apply to all domestic private rented properties that are:
- let on specific types of tenancy agreement
- legally required to have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
For further information, please visit the website, contact the housing team by email, or call 01287 612455.
You can also find further information in the document below:
Energy efficiency initiatives
Initiatives of the Warm & Well service include:
- Energy Company Obligation – help with the cost of replacement boilers and insulation measures
- Great British Insulation Scheme
- Boiler Upgrade Scheme
Further information
The following websites provide useful information on Energy Efficiency: