House in multiple occupancy

Information about licensing for landlords of houses in multiple occupancy (with non-related tenants)

A house in multiple occupation (HMO) is a property rented out by at least three people who are not related but share facilities like a WC, bathroom or kitchen.

Licences for a house in multiple occupancy

A HMO must have a licence if it is occupied by five or more people and at least one tenant pays rent (or their employer pays it for them). It will be valid for a maximum of five years and must be renewed before it runs out. If you have more than one HMO property that needs a licence, a separate licence is required for each one. 

To check if you need a licence for a HMO house, call 01287 612455 or email If a licence is necessary, we will send you an application form and notes to help you complete it.

To apply for a licence or manage a HMO, you must have no criminal record or breach of landlord laws or code of practice.

Penalty for not having a licence

A landlord operating a licensable HMO without a valid licence in place may be committing an offence.

Housing standards to meet

The HMO must have an adequate size and the correct facilities for the number of occupants. Certificates covering electrical/gas/fire safety together with an Energy Performance Certificate must be kept updated and valid whilst the property is being rented. We may request to be supplied with copies of such certificates.

We will let you know of any further conditions to your licence when you apply. If you disagree with the conditions then you may appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal.

Licensing costs

If you need a HMO licence, you will be charged a fee. 

Fee Structure

HMOs with up to and including:

  • 4 lets - £600 HMOs with up to and including
  • 6 lets - £650 HMOs with up to and including
  • 8 lets - £700 HMOs with up to and including
  • 10 lets - £750 HMOs with more than 10 lets - £750 plus £10 per additional let

Fit & Proper Person Check

The local Authority must be satisfied that the person applying for an HMO licence is a “fit and proper person” to hold a licence.

The test is applied to any person managing the premises and any director or partner in a company or organisation which owns or manages an HMO.

Fit & Proper person check for licence holder - £30 Fit and Proper person check for manager (if not the licence holder) - £30

NB You only need one fit and proper person check irrespective of the number of licences you hold or properties you manage.

Where an application is refused on the grounds that the applicant is not deemed fit and proper to be the licence holder, a new application may be submitted by a different manager at a cost of £30 to reflect the cost of undertaking the required additional fit and proper person check.

Support Service

A support service is available to enable owners to successfully submit a licence application.

For an additional fee of £50 paid in advance, a landlord will be allocated a named officer to assist in completing an application form with associated documentation.

In most circumstances, a licence will run for 5 years from the date of issue after which time a licence will need to be renewed and a further fee will be required at that time.

Licenses will be non transferable and relate to a named person and property.

No refund will be given following receipt of an application. A licence will not be issued until a complete application and full payment has been received by the Local Authority.

Check if a property is licensed

To view the public register of licensed HMO in Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council please send an email enquiry to the Housing Team or call 01287 612455.  

Further guidance is available on the website.

Apply for a licence or seek support 

Contact the housing team by email with your contact details or call 01287 612455 to get an application sent out to you.

A support service is also available. For an additional fee of £50 paid in advance, a landlord will be allocated a named officer to assist in completing an application form with associated documentation.

In most circumstances, a licence will run for 5 years from the date of issue. Another fee will be necessary for a renewal. 

No refund will be given following receipt of an application.

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