Many interests and hobbies can require teamwork such as sports, this can be transferred to careers, if you feel you will work better as a team player or if you would preferer to work alone, some people like both.
If you are interested in sports too you may be looking for something active when thinking about jobs.
Think about if you would prefer working indoors or outside for the majority of the time.
Some Interests can be around computers and if this is the case do you feel you would be better in an office environment.
You may like socialising and be suited to a public facing role or if you are more introverted, would be better suited to working by yourself for long periods.
You could have interests in how things work, or fixing things, so might be interested in mechanics or engineering.
Lots of people do make successful careers out of their interests and go into self-employment, for example artists.
Things to think about
It is useful to think about what your interests and hobbies are and:
- How these skills help you find employment?
- Can these be implemented into an area of work?
More ideas
The information below gives you more ideas about how your hobbies and interests can help you decide what to do at post-16.
- Try to explore what matches your personality type in the personality test
- Do you want to stay local or move away?
- Wider goals? How much do you aspire to earn
- Favourite subjects within school? What grades do you expect?
- Career Action Plan
- Careers advice and information
- Careers Exploration