Supported Internships

Supported Internships are available to help develop the skills you need to progress into work.

Supported internships offer a structured, work-based learning opportunity designed for 16 to 24-year-olds with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who have an Education, Health, and Care Plan. 

A Supported internship is a study programme to develop the skills you need to progress in to employment. You will build the skills essential for employment including developing a positive and flexible attitude, work readiness and clear communication.

You will complete a work placement for most of the week and attend college once or twice a week. You will also have a work coach who will be there to support you and your employer whilst you are completing the Supported Internship.

At college you will develop your English and Math’s, where required, building your confidence and communication skills as well as learning more knowledge about the job role you are doing which will benefit you at work.

You will work on individual targets to prepare you for further employment after the internship is complete.

Where do we deliver Supported Internships?

Supported interns attend college one day a week alongside their work placement. College days are delivered by colleges in Redcar & Cleveland and Middlesbrough. These colleges include:

Commonly asked questions

What is a supported internship?

It is a study programme specifically aimed at young people ages 16 to 24 who have an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan and want to move into employment but need extra support to do so.

How long does a supported internship last?

Supported Internships normally last one academic year and include unpaid work placements of at least six months. 

When should I complete a supported internship?

As Supported Internships are designed to be a bridge between education and employment your EHCP will cease when you complete your supported internship, unless you start an apprenticeship. 

Therefore, you should complete any academic or vocational qualifications before starting your internship.

Can I access a supported internship if I don’t have an ECHP?

No, supported internships are aimed at students with the most significant special educational needs and disabilities so can only be accessed by students with an EHCP. 

There are some pilots in other areas of offering supported internships to people with SEN Support plans, but this is not currently available in Redcar and Cleveland.

How is the course funded?

The college will receive funding for the course from the Education and Skills Funding Agency, any additional support needs will either be funded by higher needs funding, which is arranged by the local authority’s SEND team or through Access to Work and/or the college can support with applying for Access to Work.

Will I get support?

The college will support you to be as independent as possible, but if you need support to complete the classroom work the college will liaise with the SEND team at the local authority to put this in place. 

The colleges work hard to secure work placement and you will have the support of a job coach to help you get to know the job role. The level of support will depend on your individual needs.

Information for parents/carers and employers

We have put together some useful information for the parents/carers and employers to answer commonly asked questions about the Supported Internship Programme.

You can find links to this information in the 'related links' section.