Gambling Act 2005 - Draft Statement of Principles

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is revising its Statement of Principles for the regulation of licences, permits and other authorisations issued under the Gambling Act 2005.

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council is revising its Statement of Principles for the regulation of licences, permits and other authorisations issued under the Gambling Act 2005.  

The purpose of the statement is to outline the Council’s standards and criteria and to provide applicants and existing licence holders with information on how to apply for licences. 

Every application will be considered on its merits and the policy will assist the Council in determining applications.

The key changes to the statement are:

  • Updated layout and formatting to make the document accessible for people using screen readers
  • Additional guidance on lotteries and other permits
  • Various small revisions and updated wording

You can make comments on the draft in writing at the address below until Friday 28th June 2024.

Contact details

Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council
Licensing Team
Redcar and Cleveland House
Kirkleatham Street
TS10 1RT
01287 612377