Guidance on public notices and advertising applications

Information about public notices and how to apply for them can be found here.

The Licensing Act 2003 prescribes the requirements for applicants to follow to advertise their application for a new premises licence or an application to vary a premises licence (full variation).

Applications should be advertised by:

  • Displaying a public notice at the premises
  • Publishing a notice in a local newspaper (not required for a minor variation)
  • Sending the application and plan to the responsible authorities (postal applications only)

Public notice to be displayed at the premises

Public notices must be displayed at the premises where they can be conveniently read from outside the premises. Examples of the wording to be included in a notice is detailed below.

Where the premises covers more than 50 square metres, copies of the notice must be displayed at intervals of 50 metres along any external perimeter abutting a highway.

The notice must be:

  • Displayed for a period of at least 28 days starting the day after the application was submitted
    • For minor variations, the notice should be displayed for 10 working days
  • Of a size equal of larger than A4
  • Pale blue in colour
  • Printed legibly in black ink or typed in black in a font equal to or larger than 16.

Public notice published in a newspaper

The public notice should also be published in a local newspaper at least once during a period of 10 working days starting the day after the application was submitted.

This is not required for minor variations.

Notice of application for the grant of a premises licence (example)

I/We, **insert applicant’s name(s)**, do hereby give notice that I/we have applied to the Licensing Authority at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council for the grant of a premises licence at **insert address of premises** and known as **insert premises name**.

The application proposes to permit **provide details of the licensable activities applied for**.

A responsible authority or any other person may make representations to the application in writing to the Licensing Authority at the address below by **enter date 28 days from the day after submission**.

The Licensing Register and a copy of the application may be viewed during normal office hours at the address below.

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine payable on summary conviction of such offences is level 5 on the standard scale.

Licensing Team, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, Redcar & Cleveland House, Kirkleatham Street, Redcar TS10 1RT.

Notice of application for the variation of a premises licence (example)

I/We, **insert applicant’s name(s)**, do hereby give notice that I/we have applied to the Licensing Authority at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council for the variation of a premises licence at **insert address of premises** and known as **insert premises name**.

The application proposes to permit **provide details of the variation**.

A responsible authority or any other person may make representations to the application in writing to the Licensing Authority at the address below by **enter date 28 days from the day after submission**.

The Licensing Register and a copy of the application may be viewed during normal office hours at the address below.

It is an offence to knowingly or recklessly make a false statement in connection with an application and the maximum fine payable on summary conviction of such offences is level 5 on the standard scale.

Licensing Team, Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, Redcar & Cleveland House, Kirkleatham Street, Redcar TS10 1RT.