Weighbridge ticket

A weighbridge operator must give a statement in writing of the weight found to the person demanding the weighing or to the agent.

A weighbridge operator must give a statement in writing of the weight found to the person demanding the weighing or to his agent (this may be an arrangement made formally or informally but the statement should always go with the vehicle).

They must enter the weight found in the GROSS or TARE box on the weighbridge ticket as appropriate.

If the ticket is to be issued then the weighbridge operator must enter NOT WEIGHED or draw lines through the spaces provided for other entries. Operators must not enter in the tare box a weight stated by the driver, as only weights determined by the weighbridge operator should be inserted.

If the driver intends to return after loading for a second weighing of the same vehicle to be recorded on the same ticket, the ticket should be retained until the second weighing is complete. A weighbridge operator should never give out a ticket that has any blank spaces.

They must complete the other particulars required on the ticket.

Note: Often when using an electronic headwork with ticket printer the information is fully or partly transferred onto the ticket. However, if this fails full records must still be kept and any calculations worked out accurately.

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