Appeal to residents to share ideas on reducing carbon emissions as Council agrees to ‘A Greener Future’ for Redcar & Cleveland

Residents in Redcar & Cleveland are being encouraged to share their tips and ideas to reduce carbon emissions as part of an ambitious target to become carbon neutral by 2030.

Redcar & Cleveland Council's Cabinet rubber stamped the climate change strategy this week, which outlines what the Council, residents and partners in business and industry need to tackle to reduce carbon emissions, embrace green technology and become a carbon neutral borough by 2030.

Keen recycler, Julie Knight from Redcar (pictured) explained:

“Recycling is really important to our household, if it's not re-used in a craft project with the grandkids then it's thrown in the recycling bin." Julie plays her part in reducing carbon emissions for the Borough, from using an energy supplier that gets its electricity from 100% renewables to even feeding the pet guinea pigs any food waste she can!

Residents can email their carbon saving ideas to greenerfuture@redcar-​ The top tips and ideas will then be shared on social media and on the greener future web pages at to help encourage more people to get involved.

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, Cllr Louise Westbury said:

“The Council has reduced its carbon emissions by 69% since 2014 and is really keen to work with residents to find out what they are already doing to reduce emissions and how we can support each other.

“I know there will be some great ideas out there and it is important we find out what the public are already doing to reduce their carbon footprint so we can share their ideas and tips with other people.

“The environment is an important issue for our residents and the Council and we need to work together and take collective responsibility to tackle this issue head on."

For further information and to find out how you can do your bit please visit