​​​Climate change plan sets out 'A Greener Future' for Redcar & Cleveland​

A Carbon neutral Redcar & Cleveland by 2030, is the ambitious target set out in a climate change strategy, which will be discussed at the Council's Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, March 9.

If approved the plan will kick-start Redcar & Cleveland's 'A Greener Future' programme which will highlight what the Council will deliver and what residents and partners in business and industry can do to help reduce carbon emissions, embrace green technology and become a carbon neutral borough by 2030.

Strong progress has already been made by the Council to reduce its emissions and since 2014 it has reduced carbon emissions by 69% thanks to the introduction of electric vehicles, LED lighting and more effective heating and building management. The Council also planted more than 4,000 trees between 2014 – 2019 to help enhance the natural environment and biodiversity in the area.

The Council is now calling on residents and industry to work collectively with them to become a carbon neutral borough by 2030.

To achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 emissions will need to be reduced by an average of more than 10% each year.

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and the Environment, Cllr Louise Westbury explained: “As a local authority we must do all we can to safeguard our area for future generations by acting decisively and acting now.

“Despite the encouraging start, this is only the beginning, and we now need to work closely with our residents, partners and industry to embrace the 'Green Industrial Revolution' to achieve our ambitions.

“Around 85% of overall emissions in the borough come from industry so plans for the 'Net Zero Teesside' carbon capture, utilisation and storage scheme on the Teesworks site will be integral to reaching our target.

“I know the environment is an important issue for residents and industry so now is the time for us all to take collective responsibility, work together and rise to the challenge."

The plan sets out how the Council will continue to reduce its emissions to create a cleaner, greener organisation as well as work with other organisations and residents to increase awareness and understanding of what we can all do to reduce our carbon emissions.

Steve Rawson, Chief Operations Officer at Beyond Housing said: “Managing 10,000 homes across the borough, we welcome the role Beyond Housing can play in Redcar & Cleveland's 'A Greener Future' programme and are actively investing in works such as external wall insulation and replacement windows and doors to increase the efficiency of our customers' homes.

“A warmer, greener home means cheaper energy bills for our customers as well as reducing carbon emissions. It doesn't stop there – we have also added electric vehicles to our fleet and are using lessons learned from the pandemic to encourage the use of technology by colleagues as an alternative to travel wherever possible."

Keen recycler, Julie Knight from Redcar added: “Recycling is really important to our household, if its not re-used in a craft project with the grandkids then it's thrown in the recycling bin." Julie plays her part in reducing carbon emissions for the Borough, from using an energy supplier that gets it's electricity from 100% renewables to even feeding the pet guinea pigs any food waste she can!

Residents can do their bit as well. Did you know that recycling one can of beans can save enough energy to run a TV for two hours and on average around £80 a year is spent on each household leaving appliances on stand by.​