Covid-19 jab still available locally as large vaccination centre opens at the Riverside Stadium

Residents in Redcar and Cleveland, who are unable or choose not to travel to the large vaccination centre at the Riverside Stadium for their Covid-19 jab, are being reminded that they can still get their jab locally.

The Riverside Stadium Vaccination Centre will open on Monday, March 22, adding even more capacity to help the NHS vaccinate as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

It was chosen with local partners for its accessible location and transport links and has capacity to see up to 1000 patients a day, running 12 hours a day, seven days a week.

People are invited to attend large vaccination centres by the national booking service run by NHS England. They receive a letter and are invited to book either on-line or by calling 119 free of charge between 7am and 11pm – only people invited to book can do so.

It's important to note that large vaccination centres offer an alternative choice for people to local GP vaccination services. People may wish to wait a little while until they receive an invitation from their own GP practice as this is likely to be closer to where they live and might be more convenient depending on individual circumstances.

Local vaccination services will continue to be provided at The Garth Surgery, Guisborough and the Redcar Primary Care Hospital, as well as some GP practices and local pharmacies. In Redcar and Cleveland there are two local pharmacies providing vaccinations – these are Saltburn Pharmacy and Kingston Pharmacy in Skelton.

Residents will be contacted when it is their turn to book their vaccination and should be given an option of where to attend. If they are unable or choose not to travel to the Riverside Stadium for their vaccination, they should receive an alternative location, or they can wait to be contacted by their GP surgery. Should they have any queries they can contact the Council advice line on 01642 771122.

Councillor Steve Kay, Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare at Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, said: “We would always encourage people to take up the offer of a vaccine as soon as they are invited. However there are some residents, especially those without transport living in rural areas that might struggle to get to the Riverside Stadium for an appointment.

“It's important to reassure the public that staying local might mean you have to wait a little longer but doesn't mean you won't get your jab."

Further information and advice is available at and or call 119.​