Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park and Guisborough Branch Walkway fly the flag as one of the country’s best parks

REDCAR and Cleveland Council is raising again a Green Flag Award at Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park and Guisborough Branch Walkway.

After 18 months that have seen our parks and green spaces play a vital role for people through lockdowns as places to relax, exercise and meet friends and family safely, the news that Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park and Guisborough Branch Walkway have once more achieved the Green Flag Award is testament to the hard work and dedication of the teams that make the green spaces great so that everyone can enjoy.

Cllr Julie Craig, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood, Highways and Transport said: “This year has been challenging for everyone, and we are extremely grateful to all our staff members who looked after our parks and green spaces despite the obstacles they had to face.

“We would also like to thank our Countryside Volunteers, who have returned a few months ago, for their resilience, hard work and the passion they have shown in looking after these places, essential for the mental health and wellbeing of our residents.

“It is thanks to all of you that Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park and Guisborough Branch Walkway received this award."

Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd added: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in maintaining Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park and Guisborough Branch Walkway worthy of a Green Flag Award."

“To repeatedly meet the requirements demanded by the scheme is testament to the hard work of the staff and volunteers who do so much to ensure that Flatts Lane Woodland Country Park and Guisborough Branch Walkway have high standards of horticulture, safety and environmental management and is a place that supports people to live healthy lives."

In celebration of this year's announcement, Green Flag Award is asking buildings and monuments around the UK to #GoGreenForParks today to show appreciation for the spaces that mean so much to people. ​​