Household Support Fund to help low-income families this winter

REDCAR and Cleveland Borough Council has been allocated £1,296,381 from central Government to support households in need this winter.

The funding will help the Council to continue to support those struggling with their energy bills, food costs and other essentials as the area continues its recovery from the pandemic.

The funding is available to spend until 31 March 2022 and it is estimated that it could help to support up to 12,000 households across the borough. It will be available to the majority of families who normally have access to free school meals during term time.

Councillor Alison Barnes, Cabinet Member for Children, said:

“We know how difficult the last eighteen months has been for everyone and as we slowly emerge from the pandemic we start to face other challenges such as rises in the cost of living, which are having a significant impact on our residents.

“Low-income families are far less resilient to the effects of the recent price rises in energy and food because they don't have any surplus disposal income to absorb these extra costs. It is important that they know that there is support out there.

“If you are a household who receives housing benefit, universal credit, housing credits and/or council tax support then please visit the Council's website to find out how to request assistance to help you through the winter months."

It is anticipated that most of the Household Support Fund payments will be allocated in December with the majority being made at set rates dependant on the size of the household. A discretionary crisis fund will also be available with funds allocated on a case-by-case basis.

To make a claim, eligible residents will need to complete a short online claim form by visiting the 'Coronavirus (Covid-19) Information' section of the Council's website ​​