Leader in discussions to improve East Cleveland access to Covid-19 vaccines

​​Cllr Mary Lanigan, Leader of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, said: “I have been in detailed discussions with the relevant health authorities, along with the Middlesbrough South and East Cleveland MP Simon Clarke, to ensure everybody in our borough has easy access to a Covid-19 vaccine when they are contacted by the NHS.

“There has been real concern raised by many of our residents in some areas of East Cleveland that the closest vaccination centre is in Guisborough. It is unrealistic for elderly and vulnerable people in our outlying towns and villages to make the journey from their homes to Guisborough in the worst of the winter weather.

“The discussions have been very productive and I know our health service colleagues are doing everything possible to rectify this situation and set up another centre closer to our residents who live on the outskirts of our borough. A huge amount of effort has gone into setting up the vaccination programme and I would like to thank everyone involved. It is hugely encouraging to see the North East is ahead of other regions nationally.

“I'm assured that residents who have yet to be contacted will be called for their vaccination soon, and the best thing people can do is to wait for this, rather than contacting your GP practice.

“I'm sure the vast majority of our residents will want to take up the offer of a vaccine to allow restrictions to be eased as soon as possible. We all want to see our loved ones again and our businesses need to be able to plan for the future to protect jobs.

“The NHS is organising the vaccine roll-out, but the Council has helped where needed and we will continue to support the huge effort which will hopefully finally overcome the virus." ​