Neighbours work together to transform their back alley into a green space

A project undertaken by the residents of Ruby and Garnet Streets from Saltburn – with the help of the council– has transformed the alley to the rear of their homes into a brighter, greener space.​

The residents' collective efforts began after two leaflets from different households were circulated amongst neighbours, requesting help with the 'greening' of the alleyway. The leaflets gained an enthusiastic response, uniting the residents from both streets to create a vibrant space for everybody living there.

Upon finding out about the initiative of Saltburn Valleys Board to have 160 trees planted in Saltburn for the town's 160 years Celebration, the residents contacted Saltburn ward councillor Cllr Philip Thomson asking to be considered for the scheme.

Following their proposal and a meeting with Kevin Wilson, the Council's Countryside Services Team's Natural Heritage Manger, the council arranged for 12 trees to be supplied to the residents to support the fast-developing project. The residents will also receive spring bulbs later in the year to bring even more colour into their back alley.

A party was organised on 14 August to celebrate the completion of the project together with the 160th anniversary of the first train arriving in Saltburn.

Rod Harris, one of the residents who worked on the project, said: “We are all thrilled with how the alley looks. This could not have been achieved without the tremendous cooperation and support between neighbours that quickly developed along the alley. There is a sense of community in our alley that has been transformed in such a short time by and for all who live here.

“We get lots of compliments from fellow residents from all over Saltburn and even attract visitors who choose to walk through the alley instead of the front street due to its inviting view."

Cllr Julie Craig, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood, Highways and Transport, said: “We want to congratulate the residents from the Ruby and Garnet streets for their amazing initiative and determination to make their back alley a brighter and more welcoming space. This project has not only improved the area, but it has also brought together the neighbours, creating a united and supportive community.

“We are keen to support people in fulfilling any local projects aimed to increase the beauty of their area and we were more than happy to arrange for the trees and compost to be supplied to the residents for their project."

The achievement of the residents from Ruby and Garnet Streets has already inspired more locals to take up on the challenge of reclaiming and greening their back alleys to make them the perfect place to enjoy their time together.