New team appointed to transform the lives of vulnerable young people in innovative project

A new team dedicated to improving the lives of some of our most vulnerable young people has started work at the council.

The 21-member specialist team has been formed as part of the No Wrong Door (NWD) project designed to radically improve the lives of young people with complex needs.

They will provide a new multi-agency approach to support youngsters, many of whom have experienced long-term neglect and trauma and are close to the care system.

The young people will be supported at the NWD hub near Redcar and the team will start working with the young people directly next month.

The programme, which was devised by North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC), has already improved the life chances of young people elsewhere and our council successfully applied to take on the innovative programme.

It involves experts coming together as a single multi-agency team all providing intensive, wide-ranging support, including a life coach (clinical psychologist), a communication support worker (speech language therapist) and a police intelligence specialist working alongside other key workers who will all support young people at the hub.

In North Yorkshire a vast majority of young people referred to No Wrong Door remain out of the care system and the use of residential placements has fallen by half. Most of the young people also remain in education, employment or training and levels of criminal activity have reduced by almost 40 per cent.

Each young person is given one key worker who sticks with them through thick and thin to access the right services at the right time and in the right place to meet their need.  It's a tough love approach for those who have had a lifetime of experiencing rejection and failure.

Councillor Alison Barnes, Cabinet Member for Children, said: “This is an excellent and proven programme. We have a highly experienced team who are passionate in their commitment to help these children and young people improve their life skills and enable them to create better opportunities for their future. It is the kind of support which will have a positive effect on many of them for the rest of their lives."

Newly appointed manager at NWD, Dan White, said: “This is a chance to really understand these children, be on their side and help them make the most of what lies ahead. It's an encompassing approach. But, as has been proven elsewhere, it is effective. We have a highly experienced and passionate team in place absolutely dedicated to making a difference to our young people's lives."

The refurbished centre has specialist facilities which include six en-suite rooms. It will also house the specialist staff team, be a centre for links to other care and support providers including within the NHS.

The project still needs some Community Family specialist foster carers who will work in the Hub to build supportive relationships with young people and then offer them a placement in their home as specialist foster carers. The Council is appealing for people to come forward for these roles – you may be an existing foster carer who is seeking a broader role as part of No Wrong Door. Financial support is available. Contact Julie Topley, Hub Deputy Manager Tel: 07717 423751​.​​