Options for the future of Eston swimming pool proposed in independent structural report

An independent structural inspection report of Eston Swimming Pool has proposed two possible options to ensure the future of a swimming facility on the site.

The first option, which would require significant financial investment, would be to demolish and replace the pool building. The second option would be to repair and maintain the existing facility at an estimated cost of £2,978 million.

The structural inspection, by Billinghurst George & Partners of Stockton, found that significant deterioration of the building had taken place over the years and substantial works would be necessary to refurbish the pool building. The work would involve extensive work to the structure of the building which would be expensive and potentially only last up to 10 years.

The report highlighted significant deterioration of the building including cracking and movement to the external walls, the poor condition of the main pool roof, small pool roof as well as the roof of the changing areas. Damage and moisture were also found internally on the ground and first floors as well as the basement.

The report concluded that due to the condition of the building as well as the cost and limited design life of the repairs it might be more feasible to demolish the building and construct a new pool building.

Eston swimming pool is located in a high-risk flood area and the plant room at the 60-year old baths has flooded three times over the last 12 years. Repairs and maintenance costs to Eston Leisure Centre site over this period amount to £2.53 million and includes spending on the flood damage suffered.

A spokesperson for Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council, said: “It was important for the Council to commission an independent structural report on the condition of Eston Swimming Pool which will now be reviewed by the Council's Cabinet."​