Residential premises searched by Trading Standards, Cleveland Police and the Illegal Money Lending team for illicit tobacco

TWO residential premises in Redcar and Cleveland have been recently investigated by Redcar and Cleveland Trading Standards team in collaboration with Cleveland Police and in one case, the Illegal Money Lending Team for illicit tobacco and counterfeit goods.

A warrant was served at a property in Grangetown based on the sale of counterfeit goods via social media channels. Footwear, clothing, perfume and gloves valuing approximately £1080 were seized at the property together with over £1000 in cash and a bag full of suspected drugs.

A 23-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class B drugs and he has since been released under investigation whilst enquiries continue.

A further warrant of another residential property in Grangetown, was undertaken based on an illicit tobacco and illegal money lending warrant. The officers from Trading Standards and Cleveland Police were accompanied by the Illegal Money Lending Team.

9260 cigarettes of the approximate value of £4861, one kilogram of loose tobacco of approximately £500 and two offensive weapons were found and confiscated on the premises.

Further investigation regarding all of those involved in the above-mentioned illegal activities is now being undertaken by the relevant enforcement authorities.

Cabinet member for Health, Housing and Welfare, Cllr Steve Kay said: “Our residents' safety and wellbeing will always be our number one priority and any detrimental activities for our community will not be treated lightly. I would like to thank the officers at Trading Standards, Cleveland Police and the Illegal Money Lending Team for ensuring our borough is safe and intercepting those illegal actions."

Wendy Martin, Director of National Trading Standards, said: “The trade in illegal tobacco harms local communities and affects honest businesses operating within the law. The National Trading Standards initiative in partnership with HRMC is playing a significant role in disrupting this illicit trade and is helping to take illegal tobacco products off the streets."

For more information on how to report loan sharks and for victim support, please go to Home - Stop Loan Sharks ​

To report the illegal trade of tobacco, please access the following website Home | Keep It Out (