Residents urged to “get jabbed when you can” as Covid cases remain high

PEOPLE in Redcar and Cleveland have been urged to remain cautious, consider maintaining safety restrictions, get vaccinated and receive their booster jabs when eligible, as the number of cases of Covid-19 in the area remains at a high level.

The borough was this week ranked among the areas with the highest number of Covid cases in the country, with a rate above 400 per 100,000 people.

Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Steve Kay, Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare, said: “This pandemic has been going on a long time and at the same time, restrictions have eased as many people receive the vaccine. Maybe that has led to a complacency in some people. It shouldn't. This is not over yet and this is still a deadly disease.

“We simply must work together to get these figures down. Clear advice has been issued to all our schools and we have urged mask wearing there - but we can all of us do our bit. If you or someone in your life hasn't had a vaccine, please get it as soon as possible. It is the most effective way we can all restrict the virus and keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy.

“If you're eligible for a booster jab, please make that appointment and get it done and don't forget to keep testing. Also, just because you don't have to always wear a mask in public spaces, it doesn't mean there aren't some circumstances where it is wise to do so. We all know how to do our bit to keep this under control and the vast majority of people have been superb. Let's keep working together and get those figures going the right way again – downwards."

Government advice is also to “remain cautious." The Government's website advises:

  • letting fresh air in if you meet indoors. Meeting outdoors is safer;
  • wearing a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you come into contact with people you do not normally meet;
  • getting tested and self-isolating if required.

Find out more at Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance and support - GOV.UK (