​​​Sharon has mind to transform lives​

Community Health Officer for Redcar & Cleveland Council, Sharon Chappell's life was transformed by 'mindfulness' – the practice of slowing down and learning to live in the moment.

Sharon was going through a difficult time in her life feeling stressed and anxious most of the time when she realised, she had to do something to calm down the constant clatter in her head.

Sharon explained: “It is more important than ever to talk about mental health at this time of lockdown and Covid-related stress and mindfulness can really help.

“I started being mindful before I even knew mindfulness was a thing. I was going through redundancy and I felt stressed and anxious most of the time. I would wake up in the night with heart palpitations and not get back to sleep.

“I watched a guest on the TV show Lorraine talking about mindfulness to control anxiety and it was a lightbulb moment for me. I knew I had to start looking for ways to calm the clatter in my brain.

“So, I started walking. I would go to the beach and to Errington woods with my husband and the dogs and took up meditation.

“Now I couldn't live without practicing mindfulness."

Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare, Cllr Steve Kay added:

“Looking after your mental wellbeing is especially important at the moment with all the uncertainty surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic and the impact of lockdown on our daily lives.

“It can be as simple as finding a hobby that totally absorbs your attention, be that crafts, walking, reading, jigsaws, photography and enjoy the moment.

“Like Sharon, my hobby is walking.  The open air and exercise get rid of stress.  I'd recommend it to anybody.  A mile or two, every day, makes all the difference."

Sharon and her team have set up 'feel good' facebook pages full of events and projects designed to improve mental health:

Find out more about mindfulness and how it can improve mental wellbeing on the websites of mental health charities like MIND or search online for beginners guides.​