Support for unpaid carers boosted across Redcar and Cleveland

Carers in Redcar and Cleveland can now access a 'one stop shop' information and advice website, facebook page and email support thanks to local organisations working together to help unpaid carers across the South Tees.

'We Care You Care' is hosted by Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency (M​VDA) and funded by Redcar and Cleveland Council and Middlesbrough Council with the aim of providing unpaid carers with accessible and relevant information and support.

A Carer is anyone, including children and adults, who look after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. The care they give is unpaid.

Every day in the UK around 6,000 people become carers and often don't have the opportunity to plan and prepare. Across Redcar and Cleveland there are an estimated 16,000 unpaid carers providing care to their loved ones.

Cllr Mary Ovens, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care, said:

“The Coronavirus pandemic has had a big impact on unpaid carers with four out of five providing more care due to the lockdown restrictions.

“It is really important that they know support is available to them as well as useful information and advice which is why the Council joined forces with Middlesbrough Council and the MVDA to deliver the 'We Care You Care' website, facebook page and email advice.

“Many unpaid carers don't identify with the term 'carer', they are a husband, daughter, grandparent looking after a loved one however it is important that they have somewhere to go for help and support."

Working carer, Gill Durdan explained:

“We Care You Care is a fabulous resource for carers, from knowing your rights, to finding agencies that support carers in your local area.

“Easy access to the right information empowers carers with choices to find support that is right for them and those they care for."

The website helps people who are looking after a loved one recognise they are in a caring role and includes news, blogs, carers rights information, financial support, wellbeing advice, Covid-19 information, signposting to services and much more.

The facebook page shares information relevant to local carers including activities, services and offers from local organisations as well as 'We Care You Care' campaigns.

For anyone with any queries or who wants to discuss ways of working together, email ​