There’s ‘No Substitute’ for good mental health

Looking after your mental health as well as your physical health is at the heart of a new campaign being launched by Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council and North Riding County Football Association today, Tuesday 16 February.

The 'No Substitute' campaign, which is also being supported by the MFC Foundation, uses football to get the message out that there is help available and talking about your mental health should not be seen as a sign of weakness.

Over the coming weeks residents will see the campaign feature online and, in the media, as well as bus shelter sites, right across Redcar and Cleveland.

Cabinet Member for Health, Housing and Welfare, Cllr Steve Kay, said:

“A lot of people are feeling the strain right now, but they don't need to cope on their own.

“The 'Every Mind Matters' website and the fantastic courses the MFC Foundation deliver in our communities, can help you tackle the challenges that you might be facing and help you feel more in control.

“The site has a free planner and tips on how to deal with stress and anxiety, improving sleep and boosting your mood so why not do something now about the way you are feeling."

Lee Harding, from the MFC Foundation, added:

“I think it's really important to look after our mental health as much as our physical health, as they are both interlinked. Keeping up physical activities will really help with your mood, sleep patterns and self-confidence.

“But if you are struggling please talk to someone a friend, family or your GP and ask for help which can come in many forms but it all starts with a conversation and opening up.

“Men it's not a weakness but a strength to open up and ask for help.

“The MFC Foundation have lots of programmes that can help you on your journey such as our Team Talk Group, please visit for more details."

Andy Clay, from the North Riding County Football Association, explained:

"When we were approached by the Council to take part in this health campaign, we jumped at the chance.

“Football is a great way to get messages out there and as a team we want to raise the awareness of the simple actions we can all take to look after our mental health."

It is estimated that 1 in 6 people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem in the UK.

The pandemic has made it even more important that we talk about our mental health and start to take actions to keep well.​

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