Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay to visit Redcar and Cleveland

Baton bearers from across the region are preparing to take part in the Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay which comes to the borough next week.

The relay is being held over 29 days across England as part of the build up to the Birmingham Commonwealth Games and will come to Saltburn and Redcar on Thursday 14 July.

Baton bearers, who often have strong connections to charities and communities, will take part as the relay visits Saltburn Pier and Tramway from 8.10am as well as Redcar seafront from 8.40am with the event concluding at 9.30am.

One baton bearer will be personal fitness trainer Mike Hind MBE, 39, a father-of-three who has a gym in his home town of South Bank. Mike and his friend Darren ‘Dibsy’ McClintock, who lost 20 stone in 358 days on a fitness programme, have inspired others across the country to lose weight and get fit. Mike also helped deliver 3,000 meals to families in need during the pandemic and also recently raised £29,881 for military charity SSAFA after walking from Middlesbrough to Windsor to collect his MBE.


Mike Hide with a thank you certificate from Armed Forces for his donation

Said Mike: “It’s a real honour to take part. In all honesty, I thought it was a joke when I got the call to be a batonbearer after somebody nominated me. I just couldn’t believe it -  I’m just a normal lad so it is really lovely. This has come from my dedication to fitness and if anyone else is inspired to get fit by myself and all the others in the baton relay, the Commonwealth Games, or anything else, that’s what is all about. It all starts by taking that first step.”

Members of the public are encouraged to get involved with the celebrations and embrace the arrival of the Baton, taking the opportunity to experience the buzz of Birmingham 2022 in their community. The Birmingham 2022 website will be updated with information over the coming months, with detail on the events and where to line the route.

Cabinet member for Climate Change and Culture, Cllr Louise Westbury, said: “Cabinet member for Climate Change and Culture, Cllr Louise Westbury, said: “The excitement is building up nicely and I encourage residents and visitors to come along and join the fun and support the fabulous baton bearers. It is a wonderful opportunity to highlight the passionate and inspiring people from the area and region. It is also a great chance to show off our beautiful borough, including the stunning coastline we have in the borough as well as our wonderful heritage including the Saltburn pier and cliff tramway as part of such a prestigious event.”                                                                  

Between 40 and 130 Baton bearers will carry the Baton each day, and the Relay will reach hundreds of villages, towns and cities during its tour of the country. 

Schools and community groups are also involved in a creatively green welcome for the Queen’s Baton relay which will celebrate the idea of leaves, trees and foliage found across the different commonwealth countries, all unique in their own way, yet still connecting us all together in nature. Redcar and Cleveland Council, in partnership with the Redcar-based Festival of Thrift and local artists across the Tees Valley have been working their magic with groups over the last month in preparation for this special welcome. Their creations include an array of  larger than life leafy costumes and headdresses and vibrant banners which will adorn the route.

Apollo Arts will be on hand with an exhilarating soundtrack to get feet moving. In a final colourful display Redcar’s Imaginarium Studio  will perform an element of the stunning Bollywood themed Wedding Party created by Nutkhut’s Joint Artistic Directors Simmy Gupta & Ajay Chhabra,watched by a billion people as they took part in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Since its inaugural appearance at the Cardiff 1958 Commonwealth Games, the Queen’s Baton Relay has been a tradition for the Commonwealth Games. 

The Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay began at Buckingham Palace on 7 October 2021, when The Queen placed Her Message to the Commonwealth into the Baton and passed it to four-time Paralympic gold medallist Kadeena Cox, who had the honour of being the first of thousands of Batonbearers to carry the Baton.

The Queen’s Baton for Birmingham 2022 was created in a West Midlands collaboration that fused art, technology and science. Made from copper, aluminium and steel, the Baton also features a platinum strand in homage to The Queen in her Platinum Jubilee year. It is also equipped with cutting-edge technology; 360-degree camera, heart rate monitor, atmospheric sensors and LED lighting. For more information on the Queen’s Baton Relay, visit