Community volunteers celebrated in annual awards

Dedicated volunteers have been recognised in this year's Mayor's Community Achievement Awards.

Redcar and Cleveland Deputy Mayor, Cllr Stuart Smith, presented recipients with certificates last night, Thursday 31 March, at a relaxed celebration event at the Civic Centre in Redcar, with music by talented 15 year-old singer, Libby Sherrington, also from Redcar.


Libby Sherrington and her guitarist

The 18 nominations were put forward by local ward councillors from across the borough. Amongst them was Grangetown Walking Football – a club founded by local man Rob Scott in 2016. Not only does the club provide a place for local players to keep physically active, its aim is also to support one another through difficult times, from struggles with mental health to losing loved ones. The club also carries out charitable work, raising funds to support Teenage Cancer, Daisy Chain, Zoe's Place, Mind and Eston Fellowship. They have also raised money to buy karaoke machines for residents of nearby elderly care homes.


Grangetown Walking Football Team being awarded by the Mayor


Tony Guest from Grangetown Walking Football said:

“When the club first formed, we only had three members who would meet at Grangetown Boys Club. As more people joined, Rob made the decision to move us to the Herlingshaw Centre and it has continued growing since then – I think we have just under 30 members now, not just from Grangetown but from South Bank, Middlesbrough, Brotton and even one who comes all the way from Newcastle now.

“We are almost all over 50, grandfathers, and while some are still playing to a high standard – four of our players represent England in their respective age categories - for others, it's just to keep active and have a support network to socialise with.

“There are still a lot of good people in Grangetown, so our club wanted to raise its profile and give something back, hence why we began to raise money for charity, for example, with our charity bike ride before Covid and donations to St Mary's and Grangetown Primary Schools.

“We are open to everyone - men and women - and we can't believe we have got to the stage where we have been recognised by the Mayor. We aren't in it for that; but it's so nice to be appreciated."


Gary Taylor


Gary Taylor from Redcar, a committed and consistent voluntary community litter picker in the Coatham area, also received an award:

“Voluntary work gives me a sense of achievement," he said, “and I like to feel pride in my local area. It is lovely when people come up to me and thank me for what I'm doing - I didn't know anything about the Mayor's award, as I hadn't heard of it before now, but it's very nice to be recognised for my efforts."

Mayor Carole Morgan was unable to attend due to a positive Covid result, but commented:

“These annual awards recognise the hard work and dedication of voluntary groups or individuals working in the community of Redcar and Cleveland, whose efforts go largely unnoticed and unsung. Everybody at the event was a winner, but the biggest winners are the residents of Redcar and Cleveland, who benefit from what these people put back into their communities."

Cllr Smith added: “I was delighted as Deputy Mayor to stand in for the Mayor and present these community devotees with their certificates. A small acknowledgment of appreciation for the important and essential work they do within our communities."


The full list of award winners also included: 

Pam Batts from Skelton:  Secretary of Skelton Civic Pride and the driving force behind many projects to improve Skelton.

CompsForKids from Marske: Jason Reed and Chris Powlay set up a project to upgrade old IT equipment for young people and children to use for remote learning during lockdown.

Ian Cuthbert from Redcar: an integral part of the Redcar East community, raising funds and helping with community grants.  

Charlie Elcoate from Grangetown: committed volunteer at Grangetown Generations.

Guisborough Tidy Up Group: dedicated group keeping the area clean during and since lockdown - now with 491 members. 

Joyce Hogg from Redcar:  Marie Curie Cancer Care volunteer and local volunteer.

Keep Skelton Clean Group: local group helping to keep the Skelton area tidy.

Marske, New Marske & Redcar Coronavirus Support Group: provided major support to the local community during the pandemic.

Janice McColm from Ormesby: set up community group to support residents during the pandemic.

Normanby Community Forum: the group works to improve Normanby Village.

Carol Richardson from Moorsholm: hard working village stalwart, supporting the local community. 

Saltburn Community Response: provided support to residents throughout the pandemic.

Saltburn Solidarity Food Bank: grass roots, non-profit, charitable organisation set up to support the community.

South Bank Community Trust Eco Shop: provides supermarket groceries to help the residents who need support.

South Gare Litter Pickers: a voluntary group striving to make the South Gare in Redcar a cleaner place.

Julie Tomlinson: provides voluntary help and support to residents of Dormanstown.