Have your say: New Loftus Coronation Park designs to transform the High Street

NEW DESIGNS have revealed the proposed transformation of Coronation Park in Loftus, and Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council wants you to have your say.


The vision for Coronation Park is to transform it from an outdated public park into a vibrant, multi-functional space.


It will create access to the new Duncan Place community hub and new library building via a tree-lined boulevard and new steps from Zetland Road, as well as create a new memorial garden with rose planting to reflect the original central feature of the park.


A grassed events space will also be created as well as a natural play area, an outdoor reading area, and improved lighting and CCTV. A 17-space car park and minibus drop off area is also being proposed.


Members of the public can view a video explainer of the proposed changes via YouTube, and are being invited to give their views on the proposals via a web link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/RVPR6J/


Hard copies are also available at Loftus Library and Floral Craft shop in Loftus.


These plans are part of a series of exciting new proposals to regenerate and improve Loftus High Street.


If agreed, Coronation Park would be fully funded by the Government's Future High Streets Fund, with the wider Loftus regeneration being supported by Tees Valley Combined Authority. This means the Council has a package of £10.5 million for the Loftus Masterplan project.


Cllr Chris Gallacher, Cabinet Member for Economic Development, said: “Our vision is to transform Loftus into a modern market town providing facilities and attractions for residents and a memorable destination for our visitors.


“We want to make sure people come to visit and stay here in Loftus, we want to create jobs for local people, and we want our businesses to thrive.


“These proposals are really exciting, and we are encouraging as many people as possible to have their say."


Maria O'Neill, Chair of the Loftus Regeneration Group, said: “Coronation Park has been a much loved and used park. Many people have had their wedding photos taken there, learned to ride their bike, or just sat and reflected. But it is looking tired and needs new benches and pathways.


“The park was never designed for events, but each one we have held has been a massive success, so we have taken this opportunity to add electric points, extra lighting, wider paths for market stalls and pedestrians, seating areas, a small play area, as well as much needed parking.


“This redevelopment will create the perfect space in the heart of our town to become a much loved and well used asset to our town."


If agreed, work will begin at Coronation Park in March 2023.


The deadline for responses is Friday 27 May.