Health Visiting and School Nursing Service achieves ‘Good’ rating in all key areas

THE Council’s Health Visiting and School Nursing Service has received a good rating across the board in an independent inspection.

Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) made an unannounced inspection over two days and spoke to staff, patients and partner organisations and went on to give ‘good’ ratings across all five key areas of the service.

Officers and nurses in the service work with children, young people and their families. Inspectors attended home visits, baby clinics, school drop-ins, multi-agency and safeguarding meetings with the 0-19 safeguarding team, clinical leads and the admin team.

The CQC report said staff treated children, young people and their families, “with compassion and kindness,” and “staff involved children, young people and their families to understand the service and make decisions about their care and treatment.” It also said the service, “planned and provided care to meet the needs of the local people and the communities served,” “staff felt respected, supported and valued” and the leadership team, “had the skills and abilities to run the service.”

Commenting on the report, Cabinet Member for Children, Cllr Alison Barnes, said: “This pleasing report highlights the excellent work carried out every day by our health visitors and school nurses and I want to congratulate everyone involved in both the Council and in our partner organisations who give such dedicated support to our children and young people. I value your contribution, as does everyone in children’s services, and you should be proud of yourselves and the service you provide.”

CQC award ratings on a four-point scale: outstanding, good, requires improvement, or inadequate and achieved ‘good’ ratings in each of the five key areas of the assessment framework for health services:

Overall rating – Good

Services are Safe  - Good

Services are effective  - Good

Services are caring - Good

Services responsive to people’s needs  - Good

Services are well led – Good

To read the full inspection report please click here.