Mentoring young people to reach their career aspirations

Business leaders have the chance to share their knowledge, inspire and support young people in their progress towards reaching their aspirations.

The Young People’s Business Mentoring Programme, an innovative scheme established by the Council and funded by Anglo American, is looking for more enthusiast mentors to help young people within Redcar and Cleveland to make a start on their career.

The young people are matched with the right mentor for them based on their personalities, skills and aims. All mentees who completed the programme have moved on to employment, education or training.

One of these young people, Owen Miller, is now doing an apprenticeship with a leading hairdresser in the area, after being mentored by Alison Anderson, Manager in the Department for Work and Pension.


Owen Miller, young man who took part in the Young People's Mentoring Programme

Owen, 18, was recommended for the mentoring programme by his Careers Adviser, Kay Atkinson.

Kay explained that the young man from the Redcar area was initially so shy, he struggled to speak in interviews.  

“I feel very proud of Owen and what he has achieved,” said Kay. “It’s been a long journey and Owen has really grown in confidence. Alison said that she just couldn’t believe the difference in Owen and the fact he’s now in work and on the right path is so rewarding.”

Part of Owen’s growth in confidence also came from the Prince’s Trust, a 12-week achieve course which culminated in him giving a presentation to a team at Redcar and Cleveland College.

Owen said:

“I was very quiet, always doubting myself. Developing my confidence was massive. It is due to Kay, Alison, the Prince’s Trust and my colleagues at the hairdressing salon.

“Even me getting the apprenticeship in the first place was down to my confidence development. It was a good lesson for me. I would like to thank everyone for their help.”

Alison, Owen’s mentor, said: “The Mentoring Programme is a fantastic initiative to be part of.  It was great to see Owen grow in confidence, and I got a lot of satisfaction from helping him in his career journey.”

After receiving one day of training on mentoring, the mentors are given access to advice and support from a dedicated co-ordinator and a variety of resources, while also having the chance to enrich their networks.

They will be expected to have a one-hour meeting with the young person twice a month on Teams or face-to-face.

Cllr Alison Barnes, Cabinet Member for Children, said:

“Our young people represent our future. The first steps in anyone’s career are always the hardest and because of this we want to provide young people struggling to get into work with all the support we can offer.

“Volunteering for this programme is also an opportunity for mentors to practice new skills, get out of their comfort zone and also form a relationship and learn from their mentees.”

“We’re pleased to be supporting Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council deliver this mentoring programme, which is undoubtedly having a positive impact on those involved,” said Vicky Bolton, Anglo American’s Social Programmes Manager.

“We look forward to following the progress and development of all the mentees, including Owen, and hope it will help them achieve their full potential in the careers they’d like to pursue.”

If you are interested in becoming a mentor yourself and help young people progress towards their dream careers, information sessions about the programme will take place on 4 November at 12.30pm and 9 November at 11.00am over Teams.

If you would like to receive an invitation, please email