New Community Hub for Loftus - have your say here

A brand new community hub for Loftus, with an investment of over £1.5 million, will feature a new public library, an improved Family Hub facility  and a new community hall for events, sports groups etc.

The hub will be located on Duncan Place (the current Youth and Community Centre) and is another key part of the regeneration schemes ongoing in the town. The planning application will be submitted in a few weeks to allow construction works to start in September 2022.

The community hub is for you, the residents, so we would love to know what you think. You can give us your feedback using the survey link below, after watching this ‘fly-through’ video of the planned project:

The online survey (here: will close on 16th February 2022. 

If you or someone you know would rather complete a paper copy, these will be made available in the existing Loftus Library and Loftus Youth and Community Centre foyers.