The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Day 4

The last day of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was marked the joyous atmosphere at the ‘Picnic in the Park’ at Zetland Park were dancing and music shows, art classes and variously themed stalls offered the residents a great time.


Two artists and performers with a bicycle decorated with flowers in Zetland Park.



Man playing the ukulele next to a child dressed in royal clothes and sitting on a throne.



Families relaxing and having picnics in Zetland Park



Puppets theatre performer  entertaining children in Zetland Park.



Performers interacting with children at Zetland Park.


The Jubilee themed Chaloner Street Market  in Guisborough was also a great place for celebration where Sergeant Anthony Rowden proudly ran a stall with the Guisborough Sea Cadets.



Orchestra singing at the Chaloner Street Market.



Man in military uniform talking to a young boy at the Chaloner Street Market.



Woman wearing a festive "crown" at the Chaloner Street Market.

Many more parties took place on that day, including one at the Whale Hill Community Centre the Queen herself has dropped by to pose with families.


Happy family taking a Jubilee themed picture at the Whale Hill party.

We would like to express our thanks to everyone who worked hard to organise so many events, more than 150 official organisers were counted, as well as to those who supported all these events and activities, keeping everyone safe, from street cleaners to police and many more.

We hope this major celebration of the Platinum Jubilee was enjoyed by everyone in our borough.