Grangetown Park playing area undergoes major improvements through Levelling Up Parks funding

The Grangetown Park playing area has been fully refurbished with new equipment being installed due to Levelling Up Parks funding.

The upgrades for the park include a new roundabout, two new climbing frames for children, a new safety flooring and the repairs of the existing tire swing which has now been reinstated. These improvements have been decided following a thorough consultation with families from the surrounding area, aiming to fulfil the desired choices outlined by the residents.

A similar project, which will also be funded by Levelling Up Parks, will be delivered to Locke Park in September 2023, also aimed at revamping the younger children provision in the playing area of the park.

The total funding awarded by Levelling Up Parks, for which the Council applied in 2022, is £85,000 and was equally distributed for the works in both Grangetown and Locke Park.

A further £30,000 for further enhancements to the Grangetown Park has been funded by the Council together with You’ve Got This, an organisation which had been working with the Council to deliver positive change within Grangetown area.

Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Housing, Cllr Adam Brook, said:

“Being able to work with families from Grangetown and find out what kind of equipment they would like to see in the playing area has made this project much more meaningful and I hope they will enjoy what has been delivered. I am looking forward to the next phase of our scheme, which will see the refurbishment of the playing area within Locke Park, and to the future projects which will aim to enhance our parks provision.

“We will be carrying out a review of all our play areas in order to determine the investment required to improve the quality of play provision across the borough.”

Cabinet Member for Economic Growth, Cllr Lynn Pallister, said:

“Parks and playing areas have a great value for children and their families, as these are spaces where they can socialise, relax and have fun. We were delighted to have been awarded the funding to refurbish two well-loved parks within Redcar and Cleveland and I hope that all the improvements that have been made in Grangetown Park will allow the children within that local community to safely enjoy this playing area.”

Lauren Perkin, Programme Officer, You've Got This, said:

"The development of the Grangetown Park brought together people of different ages to design a space for their community, and the result will enable more people to be more active in their daily life. The co-design process is a testament to our commitment to listening and acting upon the community's needs and aspirations. Working with residents who dedicated their time, expertise, and passion to the project, we co-created an enhanced park experience to benefit all residents' health and well-being.”