Positive report into Children’s Services welcomed

A POSITIVE Ofsted inspection report into how the Council supports vulnerable children who need protection has been welcomed by the authority.

The focussed visit, carried out in July 2023, highlighted that staff and managers at the ‘front door’ have a relentless focus on doing what is right for children, that there is strong political support and a committed and visible leadership team focused on improving services for children.

The visit was held a year after a wider Ofsted inspection conducted in 2022 found some areas that the council could improve their response to vulnerable children. Inspectors found that senior leaders have responded swiftly to the areas for improvement.

Published today, Tuesday 8 August 2023; the report details that systems and processes have been strengthened, risk of harm and need is recognised promptly, and children receive an appropriate level of support at the right time. Staff and managers at the front door have a relentless focus on doing what is right for children. There is strong political support and a committed and visible leadership team focused on improving services for children.”

Highlights of the inspectors findings included that social workers, “effectively conduct checks and take swift action in response to concerns;” “clear systems are in place;” “visits to children are timely, regular and child-focused” and “when children are at risk of significant harm the response is prompt.” The report also acknowledged good information sharing between the council and partner agencies.

Two recommendations were identified to support further improvements over the coming year. This included a wider partnership understanding of threshold for referral to children’s social care and work about the volume of notifications that are received in to the Multi Agency Children’s Hub.

Cabinet Member for Children, Cllr Luke Myer, welcomed the report. He said: “Making sure our most vulnerable children are protected, cared for and allowed to thrive is of the utmost importance. I am very pleased to read this report which shows such improvements have been made and are continuing to be made. I’d like to praise colleagues for all their hard work – they are people who dedicate their working lives to helping vulnerable children every day. They should be proud of the work that they do.

“We know there is always more work to do and we will continue with our relentless focus on development and improvement.”