Statement following the Prime Minister's announcement on Net Zero

Cllr Alec Brown, Leader of Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, said:

“The Prime Minister has made significant changes to national policy to address the global challenge posed by climate change.

“In Redcar and Cleveland, we remain committed to doing everything we can to address that challenge and to create a safe and enjoyable environment for all our residents now and for generations to come. The decisions we make now will undoubtedly have a huge impact on our children and grandchildren and there needs to be real commitment to make that a positive future.

“Our Council is committed to supporting the creation of a carbon-neutral borough by 2030 and we have already taken significant steps and reduced our carbon output by thousands of tonnes. We have also planted thousands more trees to offset the carbon which is produced.

“We would like all our residents to be with us in achieving the aim – everyone can help with small changes, such as recycling more and using less energy. We appreciate it isn’t easy during a cost-of-living crisis, but if everyone makes small changes, it will make a big difference overall, and can help with finances as well.

“We will continue and step up the work we have done to move the council to become carbon-neutral and support residents to do the same. If we all work together, we can achieve so much more.”

More details on how to make a greener future are available at