Grants available for grass roots sports

Capital grants for grass roots sports clubs in Redcar and Cleveland will be available starting 4 June, thanks to a new Council initiative . 

The programme is designed to support existing clubs providing investment to ensure long term sustainability but also increase sports participation across the borough - but especially in more deprived areas.

A drop-in event will be held on Tuesday, 4 June, at the Redcar Civic Centre between 5pm – 6.30pm to help club organisers find out more about the scheme and how to apply for funding, no prior booking will be required. Future sessions will also follow in the weeks to come.

  • The programme will aim to achieve the following broad objectives:
  • Provide sustainability by ensuring our clubs have fit for purpose facilities to remain in existence for many years to come;
  • Increase participation in sport, improving the mental and physical health of participants;
  • Work with clubs operating in deprived areas to boost participation in these places;
  • Deliver improved access to sport facilities for women and girls (100% equal access), and other under-represented groups, to increase participation in these groups.

Stephen Mussett, Sports and Physical Activities Development Officer at the Council, said: 

“Community sport is more than just the game; it's an investment in the health, resilience, and future of our communities. Sport promotes healthy living, it has the power to bring people together, fostering relationships, and transforming lives for the better. 

“Sports clubs are the backbone of local communities, providing opportunities for residents to be active. The sector has faced significant challenges over the last four years but has remained a vital source of support for local communities. The Council therefore wants to provide investment into local sports clubs, ensuring they have fit for purpose structures and facilities to continue delivering for the long term.”

For more information, please contact

Links to the online application can be found at Grassroots Sports Funding | Redcar and Cleveland (