Short Breaks are available for children and young people with special educational needs and or disabilities aged 0 - 18 years, some support may extend up to 25 years where there is an assessed need for the service to remain in place. Short Breaks support provides opportunities for parent carers to have a break from their caring responsibility while also providing fun and exciting opportunities for children and young people.
Redcar and Cleveland's Short Breaks Offer is provided via 3 different levels of support:
- Level 1 - Universal Services
- Level 2 - Self-Referral Short Breaks Support
- Level 3 – Specialist Short Breaks (dependent on assessed need)
There is an overview on this webpage of each of the different levels, for more detailed information please download a copy of our Short Breaks Statement which is available at the bottom of the page.
Level 1 - Universal Services
These are local low cost or free services which are not funded or commissioned by the Local Authority such as youth clubs, sport clubs, charity funded provision.
The Short Breaks Team will sign post families to these services via the SEND Family Mailing List please see Level 2 Short Breaks for further details on the mailing list.
Families can also find out about Universal Services via the Local Offer Webpage Local Offer - SEND | Redcar & Cleveland: Information Directory (
Level 2 – Self Referral Short Breaks Support
Self-Referral Clubs
Our self-referral Short Breaks Clubs take place after school, on weekends and during school holidays and are specifically for SEND children and young people aged 5 years – 18 years (may extend to 25 years if there is an assessed need). The clubs take place in and around Redcar and Cleveland, providing children and young people with an opportunity to meet new people and try a wide range of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, cooking, music and much more.
Families can refer themselves to this service without the need for a referral or a diagnosis but children/young people must have SEND.
You can view and download the Clubs Offer below:
Max Cards
A Max Card is an activity discount card that enables SEND families to access activities and days out at a free or reduced rate. Free Max Cards are available from the Short Breaks Team for children and young people with SEND aged 0-25 years. For more information please visit our Max Card Webpage Max cards | Redcar and Cleveland
Free Stay and Play Sessions in the school holidays
During the school holidays we offer a number of free stay and play sessions for SEND children and young people aged up to 18 years. Children and young people must be accompanied by parent carers or their PA/DP workers in the sessions.
The sessions are advertised via the Local Offer Facebook page and the SEND Family Mailing List as they become available.
SEND Family Mailing List
The Short Breaks Team has a SEND family mailing list where will we share relevant information by email directly with Redcar and Cleveland SEND families. This can include updates on the Short Breaks Offer, Max Card updates, details of support services, parent carer training, activities for children and more.
To join please email and provide evidence of SEND and evidence you live in Redcar and Cleveland.
Level 3 – Specialist Short Breaks
Sometimes a child or young person may have more significant or complex needs due to their disability and/or family circumstances and will need more specialist individualised support.
The level of support needed will be identified by a Social Worker Assessment and a request for services will need to be considered by the Children with Disabilities Multi-Agency panel. These services will arranged specifically for the child’s/young person’s needs or alternatively a family may prefer to request a Direct Payment to arrange the services themselves.
You can view and download the Specialist Short Breaks Directory below:
If you are interested in these services, please contact your Social Worker. If you do not have a Social Worker but feel you require more support than what is available from Level 1 and Level 2 Short Breaks please contact The Children’s Multi Agency Hub 01642 130700 to request an assessment.
Short Breaks Statement
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council has a duty to produce and publicise a Short Breaks Service Statement which must include the range of services, eligibility criteria, how to access services and how the range of services has been designed to meet the needs of local carers.
Our Short Breaks statement is available to download and view below:
Short Breaks Team Contact Details
- Email -
- Text - 07966 232668
- Call – 01642 771247 or 07966 232668