Mid-year applications

A mid-year application refers to any year group from Reception to Year 11 once the child has started either a primary or secondary school.

Applying for a school place during the academic year (mid-year)

The Local Authority co-ordinates the processing of mid-year applications for most schools in Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council. 

A mid-year application refers to any year group from Reception to Year 11 once the child has started either a primary or secondary school.

An application can be made using the mid-year application form, available below, or email schoolsadmissions@redcar-cleveland.gov.uk to request a paper application this must be returned to the School Admissions Team for processing. 

Admission authorities aim to notify a parent/carer within 15 school days on receipt of the application as to whether a place will be offered or not.

Should however a parent/carer request a place at a school that has no places available, then we will inform you about the appeals process more information can be found on the appeals page.

Rye Hills Academy 

Applications for an in-year admission to Rye Hills Academy must be made on a NELT In-Year Admission Form which can be obtained from Admissions (ryehillsacademy.co.uk).

The form must be fully completed and returned by email to schooladmissions@nelt.co.uk or by post to School Admissions, North East Learning Trust, Traynor House, Traynor Way, Peterlee, County Durham, SR8 2RU.

Further advice and information regarding school admissions to Rye Hills Academy is available by emailing schooladmissions@nelt.co.uk or telephoning 0191 5634190 (Option 1).

Applications from overseas children

In most cases children arriving from overseas have the right to attend schools in England. Nationals entering the UK who wish to apply for a state-funded school place should check that they have a right of abode or the conditions of their visa otherwise permit them to access a state-funded school.

For further information/guidance please visit the DfE website at www.gov.uk or use the following .gov link: Schools admissions: applications for overseas children.

Transfer of pupils between schools


Once a child has begun attending a particular primary school, it is in their interest to remain at that school until they are due to transfer to the next phase of education. 

The decision to change a child’s school will need extremely careful consideration and you should consider the fact that a transfer is not guaranteed to solve any problems a child may be experiencing at school. There are some circumstances which make it impractical for a child to continue to attend the same school, for example if you move house.


In the case of a house move or permanent exclusion, a transfer of school may be unavoidable. Factors you are asked to consider include the availability of GCSE examination subjects, changes in friendship groups and the general disruption to studies inevitably caused by change. 

You should also consider that a transfer is not guaranteed to solve any problems a child may be experiencing at school. 

You are advised to consult staff at the child’s current school to discuss the reasons for a transfer. 

If you still want to transfer, you will need to complete a mid year application form (part A and B should be completed by you and part C completed by the current school) and send the completed form to us. We will then forward the form on to the transfer school. 

You are required to make sure that your child maintains attendance at their current school until the application for transfer is considered. If you wish to transfer to a school which has no places, you need to still send a completed form to us. We will then offer you the right to appeal. appeals page