Business Information

Useful information for business in Redcar and Cleveland

Business rates

Business rates are applicable to all non-domestic premises in Redcar and Cleveland.

Business centres

Whether your business needs a unique office space or you are searching for a prestigious event space, our Business Centres have been designed to meet your needs.

Start a business

Find out about the support available for starting a business in Redcar and Cleveland

Business support events

Find out where to find support to start up a business, grow an existing one or overcome a challenging period of time at one of our events attended by partners from all across the area.

Grants and funding

Find out about funding information, support and events that will help you access major grants from all the major funders.

Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable team provide a payment service in respect of the settlement of Supplier invoices.

Accounts Receivable

The Accounts Receivable team provide a billing and collection service in respect of sundry debt, please note this does not include Business Rates or Council Tax.