Marine Parade Parking Improvements Q&A

Answers to frequently asked questions about the parking improvements on Marine Parade in Saltburn can be found here.

The Council recently announced its planned improvements to parking provision on Marine Parade in Saltburn which will allow more cars to park during busy periods. 

Not only would these proposals improve parking arrangements by providing 174 formally marked out spaces, they would also improve highway safety, by reducing speeds and ensuring there is sufficient road width available for road users.

We are seeking the views of the community on these proposals and detailed plans are available to view at Saltburn Library and are also available online via:

There is a survey available via the above address for people to give their opinion. This will help the Council understand whether you are for or against these proposals and your reason why.

The survey can be completed between 29th October and 28th November 2023

Marine Parade Parking Improvements Q&A

Three letters were sent to 3,000 residents relating to transport improvements in the town.

They were:

The Saltburn Transportation Study has been produced by independent experts WSP, following traffic surveys and a questionnaire, where the public were given the opportunity to express their views.

Around 1200 people completed the survey and more than 75% of those who responded were residents of Saltburn.

The results of this exercise then informed the recommendations that are set out in the Transportation Study. It can be viewed using the link below:

Saltburn Transportation Masterplan | YourVoiceMatters

For many years, the Council has received consistent feedback from residents, community groups and ward councillors about the need to address parking problems in Saltburn.

The Marine Parade parking scheme was devised during a series of workshops with the town’s three ward councillors.

These workshops identified several parking improvements in the town centre.

The results of this work formed a report to the Council’s Cabinet in December 2020 (Ref: GEE0028) where it was decided that these parking schemes would be taken forward collectively. The documents related to this can be viewed below:

The schemes agreed were:

  • Improvements to Marine Parade;
  • Improvements to Cat Nab Car Park and a further Overflow car park nearby;
  • Improvements to event parking space on land at Hob Hill.

Following further Cabinet agreement in March 2021 to access funding from the Tees Valley Combined Authority, the Marine Parade car parking layout design was finalised with ward councillors and letters were then sent to Saltburn residents in February 2022, explaining these proposals. This can be viewed below:

Separate to the initial car parking programme described above, the Council’s Highways Department commissioned an independent study, by industry experts Capita/WSP, to look at transportation pressures and how they could be alleviated around Saltburn. The letter information residents of this is available to view below:

The independent study undertook traffic surveys and a questionnaire, where the public were given the opportunity to express their views.

A web page was set up by the Council to feed back the findings of the study and the public have been encouraged to give their views on this by visiting: 

Comments can be made until 29 September 2023. 

Separately, the car parking improvements programme has progressed, with the works to Cat Nab and its new overflow car park successfully completed. 

With regards works to date and any further planned works on Marine Parade, several statements have been issued by the Council, all of which can be viewed at: News | Redcar and Cleveland (

Further statements will also be made on this page when there are announcements to be made. 

The letters distributed in Feb 2022 did advise of the increase to the number of parking bays on Marine Parade and was also in the local press; Saltburn car parking changes sees expert consultants employed by council - Teesside Live (

However, we acknowledge that these did not include any specific detail of a reduction in the current width of the footway. Consequently, a number of announcements have been made over the course of the past month.

This page will continue to be updated as matters progress.

Marine Parade improvements are part of the wider £1.2m externally funded Saltburn Parking Programme, which was developed to rationalise, extend and formalise existing car parking provision across the town.

This will enable a better spread of visitor parking across the town to better manage congestion and traffic during peak tourist season and events.

The programme is 100% funded by the Tees Valley Combined Authority “Welcome to Redcar & Cleveland" fund. The three phases of these improvements have already been successfully delivered:

  1. Hob Hill overflow Car Park (completed Summer 2021)
  2. Cat Nab Car Park Improvements (completed Summer 2022)
  3. Cat Nab Overflow Car Park (Completed Summer 2023)

Marine Parade is the final planned phase of these improvements.

The plans have been developed to strike a balance between easing the parking problems of residents whilst providing more capacity for visitors.

Acknowledging the location's Conservation Area status, input was sought from the Council's Conservation Advisor. Careful consideration has been given to ensuring that the character of Marine Parade, including its openness and views of the coast, is protected in accordance with the adopted Saltburn Conservation Area Management Plan.

It is noted that some residents have expressed concern over the narrowing of the footway, as they believe that this is part of Henry Pease's original design & layout of the town in the 1860's. However, historic mapping and archive photography shows that this side of Marine Parade has been changed and altered on several occasions since then. Advice from the Councils Conservation Advisor has confirmed this and that it is the areas open nature, including its panoramic views of the coast that need to be protected as it is these that give the area its special character.

Instead of the long informal parking layby that currently runs alongside the Marine Parade footway, where vehicles often bump up on kerbs, individual parking spaces are to be formed, which front onto the coast, similar to those that you currently see near the Cliff Tramway. The new bays will be of a regular width used by motorists across the country. To create these, around 2.4 metres of the footway will be needed, which is typically around 8 metres wide.

Following the works, the footway would be reduced to around 5 metres. While it is acknowledged that these changes would reduce the current width of the footway, a substantial width will be retained and parking capacity along this side of Marine Parade will be increased without detriment to the historic, open character of this area and its impressive views of the coast. 

The drawings below shows the new layout:  

We understand and recognise the heritage and beauty of the historic resort of Saltburn, hence the adoption of the Saltburn Conservation Area Management Plan in 2020.

The Council is committed to improving what the town has to offer for residents, businesses and visitors alike. In addition to car parking improvements, the Grade II Listed Albert Memorial has recently been restored and footpaths improved in the Valley Gardens, as well as the improvements to the canopies and railings to Milton Street.

Further improvements are also planned, such as the replacement of railings along the upper and lower promenade and further footway improvements.

The columns that have been removed were over 20 years old. Their replacement and relocation has also enabled the removal of live electrical cables that were not at sufficient carriageway depth near the existing kerb line.

If these had been left, this infrastructure may have been at risk of damage due to the ongoing parking of vehicles on the footway.

The new columns are like-for-like replacements of their predecessors and also match those located towards the tramway end of Marine Parade. This is because sufficient lighting levels on the opposite footway (which has no lampposts) also has to be achieved.

As the works are to be undertaken by the Local Highway Authority in the adopted highway, these are classed as ‘permitted development’, under part 12 of the General Permitted Development Order, and do not require consent from the Local Planning Authority.

Geotechnical engineers have reviewed the proposals and advised that there will be no adverse effect to the cliff edge as a result. It should also be noted that the bays will all be over 5 metres away from the cliff edge.

The introduction of pay and display or residents parking is not within the scope of the car parking work taking place on Marine Parade. However, this will be considered in the future as part of a borough-wide review of parking charges. Any such changes would be subject to a separate Traffic Regulation Order consultation.

The parking bays will be designed to current Tees Valley Design Guidelines. These sizes ensure that an adequate carriageway width will be maintained that accommodates safe manoeuvring of vehicles.

Yes, there will be six disabled bays and the Council is working up proposals for the provision of charging facilities for e-vehicles.

Saltburn is a popular and much-loved beauty spot, similar to other seaside towns like Whitby and Tynemouth, and visitor numbers continue to grow year-on-year.

Our plans for repositioning parking bays on Marine Parade will create more than 100 extra spaces for visitors, providing more capacity, alleviating congestion, and encouraging a better turnover of visitors. This will encourage more trade for our local businesses.

Cat Nab car park has been improved as part of the Parking Programme so that it can accommodate visitors in motorhomes, who also add to our local economy. This included the installation of infrastructure such as chemical disposal points and potable water for our mobile overnight visitors.

We have dedicated spaces in Cat Nab car park to accommodate larger vehicles. Should these not be available, larger vehicles can also straddle multiple bays in Cat Nab, provided they pay for the bays they are straddling.

The car park is free to park between 6pm and 8am.

A review of the overnight arrangement within Cat Nab is to happen in due course.

The management of Motorhome parking is not straightforward and there is no “one size fits all” solution.

Research carried out as part of the Parking Programme found that whilst there are examples of other local authorities seeking special Government dispensation for specific restrictions to restrict motorhome parking, each case has its own individual circumstances and solutions, including alternative provision.

Consequently, what has been delivered in one area may not be suitable in a different location.

The Council welcomes motorhome visitors and is committed to making sure that there is suitable provision for these types of vehicles. The Council will continue to explore the options available, including signposting to where there are suitable facilities available, such as Cat Nab.

Tackling climate change to protect our area is a key priority for the Council. We have already reduced our C02 emissions by 69% since 2014 and remain committed to be a carbon neutral borough by 2030. 

One of the Council’s proposals is to introduce a 20mph speed limit along Marine Parade/adjoining streets and to consider lowering speed limits elsewhere in the town, subject to public feedback and the availability of funding. This will make the environment safer for pedestrians and cyclists by reducing vehicle speeds.

The relief of congestion will also have a positive impact on reducing pollution in a highly pedestrianised location. The improvements will provide more spaces for parking and improve circulation.

As a result, visitors will be able to park and manoeuvre around town more easily than at present, which will reduce emissions from vehicles sat idling in traffic queues. The Council is also working up proposals for the provision of charging facilities for EV vehicles.  

In addition, the Council is continuing its discussions with Sustrans regarding a potential diversion of the National Cycle Network Route 1 along Milton Street, so that cyclists can have a safer dedicated route through the town. 

The Council is continuing its discussions with Sustrans regarding a potential diversion of the National Cycle Network Route 1 along Milton Street, so that cyclists can have a safer dedicated route through the town.

The footpath on Marine Parade, as described will remain a substantial width facilitating a number of uses.

The introduction of residents parking is not within the scope of the work taking place on Marine Parade. However, it will be considered in the future as part of a borough wide review of parking provision in the area.

Whilst it is acknowledged that the Transportation Study identifies Park and Ride as a potential option to introduce in the town, this would require significant investment, which is outside of any funding that is currently available.

By way of example, in 2014 Whitby opened its Park and Ride provision at a cost of £2.8 million, funded by Central Government, which would be significantly more with inflationary pressures if completed today.

The Council will continue to explore opportunities for funding for such initiatives, as well as other recommendations put forward in the Transportation Study.

Once the works to reposition lighting columns has been completed, no further works will take place until details of the proposed changes have displayed.

Further announcements about when this exhibition will take place will be made in due course.

Other planned improvements include the resurfacing of the footway and the replacement of the low concrete rail that runs along Marine Parade.

All of the planned improvements are being funded from the Tees Valley Combined Authority “Welcome To” funding pot.

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